A Vegetarian Diet Plan - How to Get Started

Perhaps you're worried about the health effects of eating fatty meat. Or maybe the idea of animals dying so you can eat them really bothers you. Whatever the reason, you've decided to start a vegetarian diet plan. So, now what? It's all too easy to fall into the trap of eating lots of pasta, bread, and cheesy pizza when you first start eating vegetarian, but that's no better for you than the fatty diet you're trying to get away from. For a truly healthy vegetarian diet, you'll need to learn to incorporate whole grains, leafy greens, and fresh fruits and vegetables in a way that's satisfying and varied. It's easiest to balance your vegetarian diet plan if you continue to incorporate eggs and dairy (called ovo-lacto vegetarianism). Strict veganism requires some supplementation, notably with vitamin B12 and the fatty acids DHA and EPA, in order to meet minimum nutritional requirements. For this reason, if you are set on becoming a vegan, it's wise...